
Lovotics, a fusion of “Love” and “Robotics,” explores the intricate landscape of human-robot relationships, providing a unique perspective to understand the subtleties and potentialities of human love.

Dr. Hooman Samani, the Course Leader and Reader of creative robotics at the University of the Arts London’s Creative Robotics Institute is the driving force behind Lovotics. He envisions a new era where humans can authentically experience and reciprocate love with robots.

Love, a complex and universal emotion, permeates various facets of human existence, from familial ties to friendships and connections with the world around us. Scientifically, love is examined through the lens of biology, psychology and neuroscience, where brain chemicals like oxytocin and dopamine play crucial roles in bonding and affection.

Just as we form emotional bonds with pets, Lovotics explores the potential for similar connections with robots, ushering in a new frontier of human-robot relationships rooted in genuine emotional engagement. This multidimensional perspective on love underscores the versatility of our emotional experiences and the evolving nature of our connections with both living beings and artificial entities.

Lovotics, as a multidisciplinary research field, integrates concepts from robotics, artificial intelligence, art, philosophy, psychology, biology, anthropology, neuroscience, social science, computer science, and engineering. This holistic approach enables the development of functionalities rooted in multidisciplinary research, ushering in a novel era of love relationships.

The initial step in Lovotics involves a deep understanding of the physics, physiology, and emotions of humans, forming the basis for modelling these elements in robots. Lovotics introduces a sophisticated artificial intelligence system encompassing an Artificial Endocrine System (based on the physiology of love), Probabilistic Love Assembly (reflecting the psychology of love), and Affective State Transition (rooted in emotions).

The psychological unit of Lovotics’ artificial intelligence calculates probabilistic parameters of love between humans and robots, taking into account factors such as proximity, propinquity, repeated exposure, similarity, desirability, attachment, reciprocal liking, satisfaction, privacy, chronemics, attraction, form, and mirroring.

The physiological unit employs an artificial endocrine system with artificial emotional and biological hormones, including Dopamine, Serotonin, Endorphin, Oxytocin, Melatonin, Norepinephrine, Epinephrine, Orexin, Ghrelin, and Leptin. These hormones regulate biological parameters like blood glucose, body temperature, and appetite.

The affective system of the Lovotics robot analyses inputs such as facial expressions, voice, and gestures to generate real-time states and behaviours closely mirroring human emotions. Actively engaging in communication, the robot adjusts its internal hormonal levels, probabilistic love parameters, and affective states based on feedback from the human, fostering a dynamic and enduring relationship.

Practical applications like Kissenger, Mini-Surrogate, and XOXO exemplify Lovotics’ implementations. Lovotics has garnered significant attention and acclaim in international media.
